Gazeal is the UK's No.1 provider of Reservation Agreements trusted by 1,000+ Estate Agents. Our unique Reservation process provides a Commitment to the terms agreed by the Buyer and the Seller, that Gazeal guarantees, so both parties can proceed in the safest way possible. This ensures a fair and efficient process for all involved, offering protection against anyone who may not be truly committed. On average 1 in 3 (around 30%) property sales fall through in England & Wales. Using a Gazeal Agreement to show commitment at the start of the sale, reduces it to 1 in 20 ( around 5%); the lowest in the country.
The use of our service affords you, as the Agent, a major Unique Selling Point when attracting new Sellers to your Agency. Offering Gazeal's Reservation Agreements sets you apart from the competition, helps you win more listings and protects your pipeline.
Call us at 020 7760 7582 or visit for more information.
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